Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Revisi tugas 2

  • Each ; Every     >      Singular noun       >       Singular Verb
Example (the subject is underlined and the verb bolded) :
      1.  Each action movies cinema in XXI is very amazing (singular)
      2.    Every indonesians food is delicious. (singular)

  • Subject with the prepositional phrase, the verb of a sentence singular / plural must agree with the subject of the sentence, not with the object of a preposition.
Example (the subject is underlined and the verb bolded) :
      1.       The girl in the living room is my sister. (singular)
      2.    The car at those markets is very expensive 
            Singular subject   plural  must singular
  • Gerund  as subject, verb must singular.
1.   Eating junk food is bad for your healthy. 
            junk food is singular , so that verb must be “is”
      2.   Playing cars is interesting
¯                cars is plural , so that verb must be “is”
  • Some of ; A lot of        >       Singular noun         >         Verb Singular
  •  Most of ; A half of       >       Plural noun             >         Verb Plural
Example (the noun is underlined and the verb bolded) :
      1.       Some of magazines are him. (singular)
      2.       A lot of sains book is expensive. (singular)
      3.       Most of candys were eaten. (plural)
      4.       A half of the workers are late. (plural)

  • One of ; Each of ; Every one of          >            always plural noun         >         verb singular
Example (the noun is underlined and the verb bolded) :
      1.       One of my teammates is late
      2.       Each of the divers takes his turn at diving.
      3.       Every one of  my brother is bring drink

  • The number of       >     plural noun      >    verb singular
Example (the noun is underlined and the verb bolded)
1.   The number of months in years is twelve.
2.   The number of meat in box is measly

  • A number of           >     plural noun      >    verb plural
Example (the noun is underlined and the verb bolded) :
1.   A number of shoes in markets are expensive
      2.       A number of  liverpool football team are going back from vacation.

Latihan :

1. The Subject you will be studying in this course, ( is, are ) listed in syllabus
2. The Profesor and The Student (Agree , Agrees ) on that point
3. Almost Every Profesor and Student at the university ( Approves , Approve ) the choice of the new president.
4. Why ( Was , Were ) Yoko and Alex late for the meeting ?
5. Some of Fruit in this bowl ( is, are ) rotten.
6. Most of Movies ( is, are ) Funny.
7. Half of this money ( is, are ) yours.
8. A lot of dothing in those store ( is, are ) on sale this week.
9. The number of employees in my company ( is, are ) approximately. ten thousand.
10. Why ( was, were ) some of the students excused from the examination?

revisi tugas 1

   _____ radio as the first practical system of wireless telegraphy.
(A) Marconi’s development
(B) The development by Marconi
(C) Developing Marconi
(D) Marconi developed

The Correct Answer : D 
alasan:  karena merupakan subjek dalam kalimat  

Dilihat dari ketepatan dan kesesuainnya jawaban D yang sesuai.
 karena, jawaban A bukan subjek kalimat

              jawaban B bukan subjek kalimat

              jawaban C bukan subjek kalimat

             jawaban D merupakan subjek kalimat